New Windsor Road, Tiverton Road and Wolverton Street form an important district arterial route in Auckland. Road user demands and traffic in the corridor will increase significantly in the next few years. Stage 2 works (which commenced in June 2012) will involve a full corridor upgrade to provide a more efficient and safer four-lane route between State Highway 20 and Portage Road, New Lynn.

Resolve Group prepared Statement of Interest and Ability (SIA) documents for Auckland Transport (AT) for the Stage 2 Route Improvements. The SIA identified a short-list of suppliers considered best able to complete the project.

The AT evaluation team, which Resolve Group’s Nigel Griffith was part of, selected three contractors to provide tenders, then prepared Request for Tender documents, which included a Project Delivery Plan requirement. This allowed tenderers input into the optimisation of the design and the opportunity to submit alternative designs. Through this approach both tenderers and AT had greater certainty about what was to be tendered, project risks, and the consequent impact on traffic and stakeholders.

Resolve Group also provided ongoing management assistance to AT through the interactive tender period and the subsequent tender evaluation for the appointment of Downers as the successful contractor on this multi-million dollar project.Tiverton-Wolverton Route Improvements

View the project here.

On the morning of Monday 26th March, a significant milestone was achieved in the Victoria Park Tunnel Project. The New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) officially opened all new northbound motorway lanes to traffic. This included the third lane in the new tunnel and a peak lane from Fanshawe Street to the Auckland Harbour Bridge for vehicles leaving central Auckland during the afternoon traffic peak.

This was the first time the Moveable Lane Barrier system (similar to the one in operation on the Harbour Bridge) was used on the Northbound Motorway between Fanshawe Street and the Harbour Bridge.

Resolve Group was influential in preparing the Barrier Machine to manoeuvre its way through St Mary’s Bay, and also in helping Auckland Motorways with the familiarisation and training of their staff. We were also advisors to the Victoria Park Alliance, assisting with some of the design and construction challenges.

The opening was a great success, the third lane in the tunnel has been well received by the public, and the new PM Peak is showing much greater utilisation as motorway users get accustomed to it. Resolve Group has been proud to assist NZTA in facilitating the final stage of this project.