Downtown Programme
The New Zealand Institute of Landscape Architects (NZILA) awarded Te Wānanga – The Downtown Programme, delivered by Auckland Council and Auckland Transport in partnership with mana whenua, the George Malcolm Supreme Award, recognising the most outstanding achievement in landscape design. The award was presented to Isthmus Group for the extraordinary new civic space extending over the city centre’s harbour edge.

Resolve Group wrote the strategic case for the full Downtown Programme. This work included developing the proposal for a downtown public transport interchange and preparation of the business cases for upgrading the Ferry Terminal Basin and for the seismic strengthening of the Quay Street seawall, both delivered under an exceptionally challenging deadline to enable completion of works in time for the America’s Cup.

Read more here.

Our best wishes go out to everyone who has been affected by the extreme weather conditions in Northland, Auckland, Waikato,  the Bay of Plenty and anywhere else in the country.

We’re already helping a number of clients deal with issues arising from flooding, slips and water damage. We have resources available to help with your issues too.

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch to discuss how we might assist, and in the meantime, stay home if you can, stay safe and keep up to date with conditions as they change.

Kia kaha, the team at Resolve Group