On the 16th of August, Philippa Walker, Gary Choromanski and Michael Kwok participated in a workshop for the Workchoice Trust Teachers’ Workchoice Day. The purpose of the day is to offer an opportunity for professional development to Careers Advisors, Teachers and Senior Management of secondary schools, giving educators a fresh look at the world of work in order to increased industry knowledge and understanding, which can then be taken back into the classroom.

Victoria Wharf was built in 1929 and parts of the reinforced concrete structure have been deemed unsound since 2008 when parking on the wharf was banned. In March 2012, pedestrian access was restricted until a timber deck was built over the cracked concrete to spread the load. In September 2012, however, total closure was effected after significant advancement in deterioration was discovered following further assessment.

Auckland Council has allocated $6m for the repair and restoration of the Wharf and the Victoria Wharf Repair Contract was awarded to Downer, BBR Contech and Peters & Cheung. The Contract involves the structural design and construction of a new deck over the existing 80 year old structure, and reconstruction of existing piles and pile caps.

Resolve Group staff member Martin Leak has been appointed Engineer to the Contract, Peter Sansom is the Engineer’s Representative, Chris Blind is Engineer’s Assistant and Resolve Group is also acting as the Client’s Advisor. The works commenced in early June with site establishment activities and the hydro-demolition of selected piles and beams of the first 4 bays of the Wharf, and are expected to take 12 months with a forecast completion date of June next year.

Find the project here.