Mark Armstrong and Steve Griffith are now qualified as non-practicing supervisors in Level 2/3 Site Traffic Management (STMS – NP) following participation in an NZTA-initiated safety workshop.

The key aim of the workshop was to promote safe working practices, standards and operating procedures at roadwork sites and covered the revised standards and operating procedures required by the current NZTA Code of Practice for Temporary Traffic Management (CoPTTM). The workshop also provided an understanding of how the Health and Safety in Employment Act relates to workers on the road.

Key procedures covered by the workshop included:

  • Developing a consistent approach to traffic control·
  • Analysing Traffic Management Plans in relation to various roading situations
  • Appling the planning and setting up of roadwork sites to actual roading situations
  • Producing Traffic Management Plans
  • Understanding the requirements for sign selection, placement, safe operating procedures and work site protection for Level 2-3 roads
  • Understanding the requirements for mobile operations
  • Carrying out audits of the road work sites for compliance using the NZTA audit procedure

The two day course was attended by a mix of operational staff, technicians, and engineers and effectively aligns with the Traffic Control Devices Manual Part 8: CoPTTM.

Mark Armstrong and Nigel Griffith attended Auckland Motorways recent ‘Safe Working on the Road Induction,’ a mandatory workshop required by the Auckland Motorway Alliance for anyone who has to work on the motorway network.

Mark thought the content was excellent and detailed, “There was time to discuss issues and examples raised by attendees as a group, providing answers on what to do and what not to do in the future.”

Key areas covered included Health and Safety responsibilities both as an employer and as an employee; qualifications, powers and responsibilities of the STM; emergency incident procedures; Traffic Management Plans and why they are important; minimum levels of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) required; garments and types of flashing beacons allowed; safety of plant left on site or on the road side out of hours; mobile and special operations and Operational Requirements and Auckland Traffic Operations Control ( ATOC)