Surpassing all performance indicators, delivering $23 million of cost savings, and developing innovative approaches to highway management that are being adopted all around the country, the Auckland Motorway Alliance has justifiably won this year’s Supreme Roading Excellence Award.
The competition’s judges commented that ‘the outcomes achieved by the Auckland Motorway Alliance in its first four years demonstrate it’s well on its way to leaving a positive and lasting legacy on the roading landscape across Australasia.’
Roading New Zealand chief executive Chris Olsen said, ‘The Alliance has exemplified the benefits of collaboration within larger performance-based maintenance contracts, bringing a team together to improve efficiency and value-for-money.’
Resolve Group has been involved with the Alliance since its inception, and is proud to work alongside the AMA partners: the New Zealand Transport Agency, Fulton Hogan, Opus International, Beca Infrastructure and Armitage Systems.
The AMA also won the Best Practice Award for Asset Management, and the Long Term Alliance Team of Excellence Award 2012 at the AAA Alliance Excellence Awards, whose program aims to encourage organisations to improve their performance and excellence in alliancing and collaborative contracting.