The City Rail Link (CRL) completes a “missing link” in Auckland’s transport system and is the key project in Auckland Transport’s development of an integrated transport network to keep Auckland moving as the city grows by more than 700,000 people over the next 30 years.

Twin 3.4 kilometre-long tunnels up to 33 metres below the city centre are proposed, linking Britomart to the existing rail line near Eden Terrace. The proposed route runs below city streets as much as possible to reduce effects on property owners and city heritage buildings during construction and operation.

The construction of two new city centre stations (Aotea and Karangahape Rd), and a redeveloped station at Mt Eden, will give easier access to more parts of the city centre and major employment areas and will also double the number of people living within 30 minutes train travel of a city station.

Resolve Group was involved in the procurement of the Principal’s Technical Advisor commission. Construction is forecast to commence in 2015/16, although it remains unfunded, with opening currently forecast for 2020/21.

This year’s recipient of the Resolve Group Engineering Scholarship is Joanna Jarvie, who is entering her final year at the University of Auckland in 2015, studying for a Bachelor of Engineering (Honours).

Joanna has a particular interest in, and passion for, transport engineering, and says, “I have found it easy to be enthused in this topic due to its relevance to our daily lives… as it provides an opportunity to have an impact in bettering New Zealand communities.” She has been awarded the Scholarship for her consistent academic work, experience in project management and a variety of leadership roles, and her well-rounded extramural interests.

The $5000 scholarship is open to third year Civil and Environmental Engineering students at The University of Auckland. As well as academic excellence, the Scholarship was established to recognise and reward excellent project management and problem solving skills, leadership potential, communication skills, community involvement, and the potential to contribute to the roading industry.

Resolve Group Scholarship Winner, 2015

Resolve Group Scholarship Winner, 2015