We’re excited to share that Resolve Group is now certified Net Carbon Zero.

With the help of Toitū Envirocare (which provides gold standard accreditation with internationally recognised carbon and environmental programmes), we measured emissions resulting from operational activities, purchased energy, and selected impacts from value chain activities, including business travel, freight, and waste sent to landfill.

We invested in carbon credit projects to compensate for the Toitū mandatory emissions resulting from our operations this year, and have chosen to include more than the mandatory minimum. Since we made that choice, though, there have been signals that the minimum will be expanded in future; it is good to know we are well placed to meet more stringent requirements when they arrive.

We are currently focused on the following goals:

  1. Reducing emissions from company vehicles
  2. Reducing usage of electricity in the office
  3. Reducing emissions from staff commuting

Our business manager, Dawn Collyns, says, “We found the process to be very rigorous and I was surprised when the auditor wanted to look at our office fire extinguishers – it had not occurred to me that the gases in those contribute to our greenhouse gas emissions.” She is particularly grateful to our resident economist, Nik Vorster, who was tasked with some serious data crunching, which he luckily excels at; and to Stuart McDougall, who is leading the process of developing a Travel Plan for employees in order to meet our third reduction target, helped by several staff members with expertise in this area.

Resolve Group is committed to doing no harm while continuing to work on reducing emissions, and we want you to know that we understand you have challenging climate change targets of your own. We are pleased that we are now able to also support our clients’ climate change goals as we work together to be good ancestors and achieve meaningful outcomes for New Zealand.