We are currently helping with the procurement of professional services supplies to progress the government’s Accelerated Regional Road Programme (ARRP), announced in June 2014. The programme is using Crown appropriated funding from the government’s Future Investment Fund to finance 14 regionally important State highway projects that have not ranked high enough to achieve support from the National Land Transport Fund.

Variable Message Signs

Peter Bathgate has just finished work on integrating the 135 estimated journey time signs around Auckland with the 34 overhead VMS that give drivers information on motorway traffic conditions. From mid-December, all Journey Time Signs will enhance and complement the overhead sign messages, giving users the opportunity to change their travel plans before taking a motorway on-ramp.

Resolve Group’s ITS specialists are also assisting the ITS Assets team at the Auckland Motorway Alliance with the procurement of new VMS to replace 6 existing signs.  The signs were part of the original ATMS installation that Resolve Group’s Karen Fehl and Terry Brown assisted NZTA with back in the early 1990s. This time around, the signs will be designed with much more sophisticated technology. As Peter Bathgate describes it, ‘they will be more like large TV screens, presenting information which is easy for people to understand.’ The intention is that in the future they will routinely display graphics and pictorial messages as well as text. Although they won’t be used for this from day one, the updated specification should provide NZTA with a “future-proofed” device.

Over-height Detection System

Resolve Group’s ITS team are also assisting the AMA to replace the equipment that forms part of the Over-height Detection System. This is a safety system that detects vehicles exceeding the legal maximum height at a critical part of the motorway network. The sensors activate warning signs to alert the driver of the offending vehicle and other motorists before they enter height restricted areas. The system is necessary because the network has several low-clearance bridges that have been subject to strikes by vehicles (or loads on vehicles) in the past. The existing system is old, with outdated technology. As well as the signs and the detection equipment, the communications system will be replaced.

For both projects, the Resolve Group role is to review the existing specification, determine what is required, provide advice on the technical and procurement issues, and to manage the process to delivery of the new equipment.

ITS Delivery Plan for Resolve Group’s Clients

Steve Griffith is currently working on an ‘ITS toolbox’ for Resolve Group’s clients that will allow us to match an appropriate ‘tool’ (i.e. solution, equipment, approach) to a Client’s problem.  We are using learnings, outcomes and information acquired from various international sources such as conferences, and examining ways in which this information can add value for clients.