Every six months we get together to look at what we’ve achieved over the last six months, to plan where we want to go in the next six, and to strengthen the sense amongst all the staff that we are part of the same team and working towards the same goals.

For our most recent planning day, we participated in a charity team event called Build My Ride. All the challenges were themed around cycling and successful completion of each challenge earned the team parts for a bike. The final task was for each of the four teams to assemble their bike and have it checked over for safety by a qualified bike mechanic.

As enjoyable as all the challenges were, the final activity – handing those bikes over to deserving kids through the Refugee Service – gave massive satisfaction and significantly added to the sense of community within the individual teams and amongst us all. At the end of the day, we had shared in an experience that made us feel good about ourselves and each other, and we all felt truly touched.

Resolve Group Business Planning Day

Resolve Group Business Planning Day

Project Manager, Steve Griffith recently attended the the first two days of the 27th Safe System Engineering Workshop in order to refresh his knowledge around road safety, and in particular the ‘Safe System Approach’.

“The biggest learning for me,” Steve says, “was obtaining a better understanding of what the Network Safety Assessment is all about.”

He was also pleased to see that an increased emphasis on addressing factors other than roadside infrastructure are delivering positive results over time. Safer drivers, safer speeds and safer vehicles are all essential parts of the Safe System Approach. “It was refreshing to learn that a more targeted way of investing in safety schemes can be achieved by looking at a network holistically,” he said.