Auckland has returned to level 1 and we are happy to welcome staff and clients back into the office. That said, please stay home if you are sick or have any symptoms. We will be continuing to take contact tracing details and will be encouraging hygiene practices. We are greatly looking forward to returning to some old but valued work practices such as the face-to-face meeting, but it is worth noting that some of our staff members are continuing to work from home some of the time, so do ring first. And well done everyone.

Life at Resolve Group under Level 2 will not look a whole lot different for us or our clients. Our Wellington office will remain closed to the public, and while our Auckland office is open from Thursday, we will have no more than 10 staff there at any time. Please continue to work with us as you have at Level 3. If you need a face-to-face meeting, call first to arrange a time and a place. If you do come into the office, you will find protocol in place for contact tracing and hygiene.

We are excited about the new opportunities Level 2 will bring but urge everyone not to become complacent. Working together thoughtfully and being conscientious about procedures around Covid-19 will help us all get back to normal sooner.

Good luck and stay well, from all the Team at Resolve Group.