Resolve Group continues to be involved in the on-going roll out of Auckland Transport’s Cycle Network. Recently, Steve Griffith and Daniel Dryland undertook a Post Construction Safety Audit of the Rook Place to Goldfinch Rise Shared Use Path, part of the strategic Cycle Network Stage 2 Physical Works.

The new shared pedestrian and cycle facility is part of a wider on/off road cycleway facility between Rosedale Road and Goldfinch Rise on Auckland’s North Shore, and uses a combination of on-road and off-road treatments. The project is part of a wider commuter cycling initiative, which is partly funded by the New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA).


Auckland Cycle Network signage

Peter Sansom attended the recent Ingenium Conference, held in Dunedin, whose theme was ‘A Climate of Change,’ and found both keynote speakers motivating, energising and informative.

Kevin Stirratt from Forsyth Barr, the keynote speaker on day one, noted that emerging markets are starting to play a bigger role in world economies driven by research, innovation and technology. His paper, titled “Globalisation, Interdependence and Change,” used the world economy, demographics, market demand and the relative change in GDP between different countries (in particular China) to examine how different funding mechanisms suited changing variables, and how PPP funding might better suit initiatives with large capital requirements.  He summarised by stating that “change is constant” and NZ is well placed to supply services to the world market in the areas of agriculture, aquaculture, horticulture, tourism and education.

Ian Taylor from Animation Research Ltd., keynote speaker on day two, considered one of the keys to his businesses success has come from using technology to present data in innovative ways that resulted in spin-off opportunities (e.g. asset management applications from models initially developed for sports animation purposes).  Ian’s presentation was informative, inspiring and demonstrated how, despite NZ’s relative remoteness from the rest of the world, small companies here can be world leaders simply by having a positive outlook and following passions and dreams.

Resolve Group’s Garson Bell also presented a paper at the conference. Titled, “The Smart Way,” it is an overview of changes in technology use in the transport sector.