Opotiki Harbour

Opotiki Harbour

The Ōpōtiki District Council (ODC) has engaged the services of Resolve Group to provide a procurement strategy for the Ōpōtiki Harbour Development Project, which will include upgrading the entrance into the Ōpōtiki Harbour so that a minimum channel depth of about 3.7 metres (at mid tide) is maintained, creating a new river entrance 400m to the east of the existing entrance, and constructing two 500 metre long training walls. The walls will be 120m apart and will provide a channel width of at least 60m that is navigable in wave heights of up to 2 metres. The existing river entrance channel will be closed.

The procurement strategy aims to ensure ODC achieves true value for money, transparency, defendable outcomes and a high degree of probity. The procurement strategy is required to be sufficiently flexible to allow for the possibility of including the support infrastructure for the marine farm. The support structure includes wharves, loading facilities, servicing areas, processing plant and R & D facilities.

Martin Leak and Rob Lorden are also providing ongoing professional procurement advice for the Specimen Design phase of the project.

The Lyttelton Port of Christchurch is the major deep-water port in the South Island, is at the hub of trade and plays a vital role in the national transport network. Following extensive damage caused by the 2010 and 2011 Canterbury earthquakes, the Lyttelton Port Company has embarked upon a significant programme of reinstatement and repair works.

The first tranche of work consists of the reconstruction of Cashin Quay 2 and the stabilisation and strengthening of the backlands behind this new structure. These works will allow the port to return to full capacity and fulfil its key role as an essential utility in the economic recovery and the future prosperity of Canterbury.

Lyttelton Port of Christchurch

Lyttelton Port

Resolve Group has been assisting the Lyttelton Port Company with their rebuild programme since late 2012. Our involvement has focussed on:

  • The development of strategic procurement plans
  • The execution of physical works procurement including an Early Contractor Involvement Contract for the stabilisation works
  • Participation and assistance with Tender Management, Tender Evaluation and Contract Award including associated reports and contract documentation.