The New Zealand Tourism 2025 Plan (Tourism 2025) sets out the vision for tourism in New Zealand in the future. An outcome of the Plan is to deliver a world-class visitor experience. This will be enhanced by ensuring that appropriate road signs are provided to support the visitor experience at all stages of a journey.

Resolve Group has been working with NZTA and other stakeholders to create the three-part Tourism Sign Strategy, a strategy needed because the Traffic Control Devices Manual (TCD) is progressively replacing the Manual of Traffic Signs and Markings (MOTSAM) and the TCD rule encourages regional tourism strategies by road controlling authorities. This has resulted in a need to provide best practice guidance and instruction to the transport industry and practitioners on implementing an overarching national strategy for providing and installing tourism signs on state highways, including motorways and expressways.

The document produced is a regional Auckland/ Northland tourism strategy document, but it is designed as a template for other road controlling authorities to use. While the Strategy is currently in draft form, it is expected to be implemented soon.

Examples of Existing Tourist Route Logos

Examples of Existing Tourist Route Logos


Grafton Gully Cycleway

Grafton Gully Cycleway

An extension of the Northwestern Cycleway, the Grafton Gully Cycleway will help create a continuous dedicated road cycle route from Te Atatu, in West Auckland, to Auckland’s city centre and waterfront, allowing cyclists a safe and well-connected route through motorway and urban areas thereby opening up Auckland’s Central City.

The project is a collaboration between the NZ Transport Agency, Auckland Council and Auckland Transport and Resolve Group’s Martin Leak is Engineer to the Contract. Expected completion date is September 2014.