Double-decker bus

Resolve Group recently carried out a peer review of a detailed business case, which contained an economic analysis. The project was to get bus routes ready to accept double decker buses. This meant cutting back trees, lifting overhead telephone and power lines and in places shortening the width of shop canopies. Buses need to get as close as possible to the kerb at stops, often coming into a stop at an angle, which combined with the camber of the road meant that double decker buses leant towards and would hit the canopies. The client was impressed with the speed and efficiency that Resolve Group was able to turn around the peer review and we hope to get similar work from AT. The project was project managed by Ben with Steve and Stuart reviewing the economics and business case.

Over-height detection VMS

Peter Bathgate has been working on the Southern Motorway, currently commissioning the Over Height Detection and Warning System (OHDWS) to protect Penrose Rd over bridge from damage.

New full colour VMS’s will display large text and flashing indicators to advise illegal drivers to leave the motorway.

The system will be connected to ATOC Smales control room to alert Operators so that they can advise Police and dispatch AMA incident response.

In a recent AMA ‘Motorway Matters’ session attended by Brett Gliddon, a photo of the new ‘OVERHEIGHT LOAD DETECTED’ sign was shown along with a video of the first successful activation of part of the system, where trucks triggered two of the VMS, at Panama Rd over bridge and Mt Wellington (northbound) which displayed, ‘LOAD TOO HIGH TAKE NEXT EXIT,’ followed by the truck leaving the motorway as instructed.

The project also won an innovation award for the new bridge-mount structures, which allow technicians to maintain the sign from the local road, eliminating the need for costly traffic management and inconvenience to road users.